The People’s Hoardings Engineering Innovation Centre

Ian Clegg

Location: Preston Campus, University of Central Lancashire
Year: 2017-2018

While the university masterplan is under construction, the architecture of the campus becomes one of hoardings. The tens of thousands of staff, students and neighbours have to negotiate the same landscape each day. The holistic approach to using the 200 metres of construction site hoardings to promote the new engineering building and its place within the wider engineering community, was achieved through a design partnership with photographer Ian Clegg and Freshfield Design. By working with over 60 future users of the building: support staff, technicians, students, lectures, professors, head of school, all who volunteered to be photographed with the machines and equipmentthat will be housed in the new EIC ,we created a direct link with the passers-by who recognised their fellow staff and students. These images linked the present with the future use of the building while incorporating slogans that related to activities that will take place.

Partners: University of Central Lancashire, Freshfield
Funders: University of Central Lancashire

In Certain Places

VB005A, Victoria Building
University of Central Lancashire
Preston, PR1 2HE
