Subplots to a City: Ten Years of In Certain Places

Author: Charles Quick, Elaine Speight, Gerrie van Noord (editors)
Publisher: In Certain Places (2014)
ISBN: 978-0993049804
220 pages

Subplots to a City: Ten Years of In Certain Places book explores how In Certain Places has developed new approaches to art, culture and urban development since its inception in 2003. Alongside images, project outlines and reflections from artists, audience members and collaborators, the book includes texts by specialists from various fields, including Owen Hatherley, Lubaina Himid, Sophie Hope, Paul O’Neill, Jonathan Vickery, Becky Shaw and John Newling as well as Charles Quick and Elaine Speight. As a case study this book provides a useful resource for those interested in place-based art, while also contributing to the critical discourse surrounding such practices.

Click here to view a pdf of the book.

In Certain Places

VB005A, Victoria Building
University of Central Lancashire
Preston, PR1 2HE
